My Crazy Grandmother

I have always judged my grandmother for her craziness. Her craziness, unfortunately, ended up manifesting as the racist and paranoid type. But I realized today that maybe she and I may not be so different. I’m definitely not racist and not too overly paranoid, but I do have my own craziness. My grandmother was a nurse, just like me. She got out of it, just like me. Now she runs her own business and I’ve been thinking about going back to school for an MBA. I can’t help but wonder if she left because she didn’t feel like she could be controlled and regulated by someone else?

I have never asked her about why she left nursing. If she ever told me the reason, I don’t remember it.

I don’t talk to her often because of her racism, but maybe I should try to figure it out and address it… again. Before it’s too late.